
Bear Pursuit V1.11

The "full" version is now complete, this means you can actually complete the game, and the majority of bugs have been successfully ironed out. Download is below!

The game now includes:

  • 35 different levels, most consisting of a number of threats (bears) with multiple ways to get past the given situation. 
  • Bears are animated, not fully but enough for the time being.
  • Bears make growling sounds when they see you.
  • There is now an objective, collect the boat parts and bring them back to your cabin.
  • If you die holding some boat parts they are dropped where you die.
  • Collectable tent item that lets you change your spawn point.
Known problems:
  • Bears have a tendency to get stuck in walls if they chase you when you are standing too close to a wall.
  • You can abuse the utility of the tent making the game too easy.
  • The game is too difficult before you get the tent.
  • Music resets the first track too often.
  • Some levels are far too difficult when tackling them from different directions.
  • Better grass texture, that looks better when repeated.
  • Better wall graphics.
  • Better overall controls.
Possible future additions:
  • NPC villages.
  • Possible side quests and stories to make the game more interesting.
  • A* path finding for bears to make them more versatile.
  • Different types of terrain, desert, snow, cave etc.

Download - https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhyicrhrqfoeat8/BearPursuitV1_1_1.exe

If you want please report any bugs or ask me a question, feel free to contact me.




Bear Pursuit V0.24

Recently I have been busy working on a small game for my extended project. It's nothing special but everyone has to start somewhere, don't they? Edmund McMillan has said a number of times he made over 30 small games before they caught any attention. They also say to be a good novelist you must first write one million words.

 So here's my first game, it's been through a number of iterations in my mind but I finally settled on a "free roaming" game where you get chased by bears. Which is why it's called it "Bear Pursuit".

There are a few more things I need to add before it's finished so I'll do a few more of these posts with different changes I have made to the game along with a download link for that version.

Enjoy, and if you're reading this please give me some feedback.

Download - http://www.mediafire.com/?8q6nu65f5jaedpe

List of things to add

  • More levels (currently only 16, I plan to do 49 in total)
  • NPCs, nothing special here, they will be very similar to signs, perhaps they will wander around too. But they will contain useful information and tell jokes.
  • A goal, currently there isn't one at all. The goal will be to collect a number of items in different locations and bring them back to your cabin. If you die with an item it will be where you died, along with a gravestone.
  • Ability to place stones, this will be for the player to mark out locations they have already been, or haven't been yet. Or to just make pictures. :D
  • Roaming bears, bears that gad around at the their own free will. This will be fun to program, but might end up looking bad as bears may easily get stuck in objects or walk off the map.
  • Implement "one-way-walls". These are the walls you often see in Pokemon and Zelda where you can use them to jump down from a location, but you can't use them the other way. I've already programmed these but haven't done any pixel art for them. Plus I'll have to change bears to work correctly with them.
  • "Random placement Machines" to make exploration more fun I thought it would be cool if you were randomly placed somewhere in the world and you had to find your way back home. This would mean creating a difficulty curve would be near impossible(since the player could spawn anywhere in an early stage of the game). But it would provide a good use for the placeable stones. 
  • Add Bear shadows, and do Bear animations.